Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ascot Fashion Weekend 2018


Hope you are doing great!

I see that your company will be exhibiting at the Ascot Fashion Weekend 2018-Canada.

So I am reaching out to you to check if you’d be interested in acquiring a list of 14,000visitors who will be attending the show to increase your customer base?

If you feel this might bring some changes in your business growth, we will be happy to send you the pricing detail for your review.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Sharon Janes

Marketing Manager

Santa Clara, CA,


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ascot Fashion Weekend 2018


I am following up to check if you are interested in acquiring Attendees List of “Ascot Fashion Weekend 2018"?

If you are interested in acquiring attendees list, please let me know your thoughts, so that I can send you the no of contacts available and the pricing for it.

• Attendees List: Ascot Fashion Weekend - 2018

• Total Count: 14,000

Each record in the list contains: - Contact Name, Job Title, Company/Business Name, Email, Tel Number, Website/URL etc.

Awaiting your reply

Thanks & Regards,

Nancy Murphy

Lead Generation

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